Solutions de corde
Rope access & rescue

With over 16 years of global experience in the oil and gas petrochemical industry and renewables, our team of multi-disciplined rope access technicians provide bespoke industry solutions to the highest safety and professional standards.

our services

Find out more about the benefits of rope access and the bespoke services we offer.

Benefits of rope access

Rope access offers numerous advantages over traditional working-at-height methods like scaffolding or cherry pickers:

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    Cost Effective

    Rope access typically requires fewer resources - such as equipment and personnel - than traditional methods, making it a cost effective option.

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    Quick Set-up and mobility

    Setting up rope access systems is faster than constructing scaffolding or deploying cranes, allowing workers quicker access.

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    flexibility and little disruption

    Rope access can reach areas that are difficult or impossible to access with traditional equipment and won’t cause obstructions to workspaces.

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    Safety and Compliance

    When performed by properly trained and certified technicians as ours, rope access is a highly safe and regulated method - see below for details.

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    Environmentally Friendly

    Since rope access doesn’t require large-scale equipment, it tends to have a smaller environmental footprint compared to traditional methods.